UHNA Vision, Mission, and Bylaws

Proposed By-Laws Changes: (Membership votes in March)

University Heights Neighborhood Association Vision Statement

We want to be the destination residence for those who seek the benefits of center-city living in a historic neighborhood.

UHNA Mission Statement

We want to celebrate, preserve and enhance the qualities that make University Heights unique, maintaining the neighborhood as a vibrant, desirable community for living and playing.


Click below to download a copy of our current Bylaws.

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Rezoning Meeting

There will be a meeting regarding the rezoning proposal for the following properties: 1739, 1745, 1755 S. National, 1141 E Sunshine, and 1138 University St. The proposal is to rezone these properties from Residential – Single Family to General Retail.  

The meeting will be held Thursday, August 18, 2022 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Messiah Lutheran Church, 925 E Seminole St. Springfield, MO 65807.

This meeting is a required as part of the application process for rezoning. 

If you attend the meeting, please fill out a written comment card so the developer and council member staff know what you think.

If you are not able to attend the meeting, you can email comments to zoning@springfieldmo.gov.

Please include your name, address, and telephone number as well as the address of the project in your correspondence. 

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4th of July Parade

July 4, 2022

10 am

Location: Meet at the corner of Holland and Stanford, participants will walk around the block. This is very informal!

Dust off your best patriotic finery and get ready to decorate your favorite conveyance (or critter) for our annual celebration. After the parade, stick around for frozen confections and if you’re game, a water balloon battle!

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July Meeting

7/6/2022 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

UHNA Board of Directors is inviting you to a scheduled monthly meeting. We’ll discuss upcoming activities and concerns.

This meeting will be at 1024 E Stanford St.

Please contact us if you are not on the email list and we’ll add you.

Artistree Pottery Night

Grab the kids and join your neighbors for a creative evening out at Artistree Pottery. Cost is based on which piece or pieces you choose to create.

Space is limited, so please RSVP by responding to the event on Facebook. You may also email uhnasgf@gmail.com to RSVP for the event.

Calendar link

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